Welcome to AcuHealth in Lander, Wyoming. We are an acupuncture and natural health clinic located in Lander, Wyoming. We are committed to helping you achieve greater health and wellness with acupuncture, Chinese herbs, and complementary health practices.
We specialize in the treatment of acute and chronic pain as well as women’s health disorders, including fertility-infertility treatment, in our Lander clinic.
Acupuncture in the United States
Traditional Chinese medicine has been practiced for thousands of years in Asia, but was virtually unknown in the United States until President Nixon visited China in 1971. Since that time, public interest has grown tremendously and acupuncture has become a very important and promising part of our health care system.
Clinical Research Data
“Does acupuncture really work?” This is the question that we are asked most often. Today, there is an ever increasing amount of research data available supporting the effectiveness of acupuncture and Chinese herbs. Many modern research studies, conducted in all parts of the world, have concluded that acupuncture is indeed effective in the treatment of a wide variety of disorders, and many other such studies are currently in progress.