What is Biotherapeutic Drainage?
Biotherapeutic Drainage is a philosophy and treatment context that has been used in Europe for over 100 years. Within this context, lifestyle changes, homeopathic remedies, UNDA numbered compounds, plant based remedies and nutrients are all used to rid the body of accumulated waste and toxicity.
Toxicity, in conjunction with one’s habits, genetics and predispositions are at the root of most modern diseases. The goal of treatment with Biotherapeutic drainage is always to get the body to react, self- regulate, and return to normal, healthy physiologic functioning. In other words to help influence the body to heal itself.
Dr. Bernoville, a French physician in the 1800’s and one of the pioneers behind the theory of drainage stated: “The theory of drainage is, before all, a theory of purification of the intoxicated organism that shows symptoms”. The routes of detoxification in the body are referred to as “emunctories”. It is crucial that all of these routes, drains, be open and working properly so that the body may rid itself of stored toxicity. Treatment with the UNDA numbers allows this process to occur so that a person can detox and also begin to heal on a deep level.
Proper drainage takes time to accomplish properly. Unlike western palliative medicine, Biotherapeutic Drainage aims to allow the body to actually heal itself. However, since there are many of these toxins in the body, stimulating them to be released too quickly would overwhelm the body and lead to increased suffering. So we take a well tolerated but persistent approach to gradually open the body's drains and rid it of toxins without overwhelming the system. Once the main drains are functioning well, we go deeper into the physiological tissues of the body and begin to clear them of the accumulated waste.