Do I Have to Choose Between Acupuncture and Other Types of Healthcare?
We will be happy to work in conjunction with you and other healthcare practitioners. Acupuncture is compatible with other systems of health care. Please inform your acupuncturist of any other health systems and/or medications which you are currently using so that we may integrate our efforts. Our wish is that you receive maximum benefit from all sources.
With a personal history in Traditional / Western medicine, we choose to, “Use the Golden Therapy,” The doctors who so diligently schooled us in this medicine, encouraged the collaboration of all great medicinal disciplines. By doing so, each patient is empowered to find their path to wellness. We look forward to working with you and your healthcare provider so you may gain maximum health benefits from these two medical disciplines.
Will Insurance Cover Treatments?
The cost of treatment is covered by many major health insurance companies; please check your particular policy by calling the toll free number on the back of your card. We will gladly provide you with a Superbill with the proper codes required by your insurance carrier to encourage coverage of this visit or a Simple Bill to put towards your Deductible/Health Flex Plan.